When it comes to puppies, all hands must be on deck to help them mature into awesome, stable, well-adjusted Bernese puppies. They need a lot of care and love, love, love on a daily basis. They will sense the affection! It also necessitates a great deal of washing and eating. The most critical thing, though, is to actually spend time with them! Get down on your hands and knees (get down on their level) and play with them, or let them climb on you and get used to the sound of your voice and your touch if they are very young.
When the pups get a bit older we slowly introduce them to new things each day. Things like:
- Let them out in safe places to play that they have not been before.
- Give them new toys and let them experience new objects and let them work it out if it is a safe object or otherwise.
- Sometimes we just take a trash can and put it on its side so it can roll. Some puppies will jump right in and roll it around with joy while others will be fearful of it for a bit and then jump right in.
- We will even let them take long ropes and unravel them all over the place to play with them.
Something that stimulates thinking in these developing pups and shows them that new ideas aren’t frightening and can even be enjoyable is pleasant. This is a lot of fun for us, and it’s always exciting to come up with new activities for them to enjoy and discover.